Brain health coaching at Brain & Behavior Associates is designed for the person seeking to optimize their neurocognitive functioning and to preserve that function over the lifespan. Your certified brain health coach will work with you to implement a plan tailored for you to improve your diet, sleep, and exercise and get rid of the thoughts that keep you from achieving your dreams. A big part of brain health coaching is helping to learn about the brain and how you can take charge of your brain health.

  • Memory loss is not a normal part of aging
  • Your weight maybe affecting your memory, motivation, mood, and risks of developing dementia
  • Memory apps for smart devices advertised on radio, TV, and social media don’t actually improve memory
  • A sugary diet may be causing you (or your child) to have ADD or AD/HD symptoms
  • Getting 8 hours of restful sleep will help you be more productive and live longer
  • Decreasing fats and sugars and increasing protein in your diet will give you greater energy and focus
  • Brain supplements need to be tailored to your specific needs – not everyone needs the same supplements and some supplements can be harmful if taken with medications

1. Schedule Your Initial Consult

In the consult, a Certified Brain Health Coach will interview you and conduct a brief assessment and determine what testing is needed before we begin coaching. In this 1.5-2 hour session you will talk with your coach about your goals for coaching (weight loss, memory preservation, peak brain performance, adopting brain healthy habits in diet, exercise, and sleep are common brain health coaching goals).

2. Testing & Assessment Session

In this session, you will be given age and symptom appropriate computerized tests to help determine your strengths and potential areas for work. You will also be given a take home test kit to help determine which supplements would benefit you.

3. Brain Mapping Session

If you and your Certified Brain Health Coach determine that having a brain map would be of value in the coaching process, you will be scheduled for a 1.5-2 hour mapping session. One of our Board Certified Neurofeedback clinicians will collect several EEG recordings that will be analyzed and used in your overall brain health assessment.

4. Debrief Results Session

In this 1 hour session, your Certified Brain Health Coach will review your test results, your brain maps, and provide you with recommendations for brain healthy lifestyle modifications.

5. Coaching Sessions

Although the number of sessions varies from person to person and with the issues addressed in coaching, most people will require 6-12 sessions over a 6-9 month timeframe.

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